
Monday, July 30, 2012

Easy and Quick Fix Dessert

 Apple Crisp

Dessert don't need to be fancy or expensive to have serve for the family after meal. With the quick desserts, you can make something delicious and still have time to enjoy the day with the family. If you find the apple pie too complicated or hard to make, try the apple crisp and you'll never go wrong. Any left over rice can be turn into a rice pudding or if you  are tired of cooking,just open up a can of fruits and jello, isn't it?

Rice Pudding

Gelo and peaches

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Fresh Vegetables from my Garden

I love vegetable gardening these are some of the harvest from my vegetable garden last year. I did not plant any vegetables this year because we are moving to another place,  to another State and we don't know the actual date, still waiting till now.

Last year was my first time to have a vegetable garden in one part of my property. I do not have knowledge in gardening so I just planted them the way I like it and ended up wasting some vegetable because of too much supply. I even gave some to friends and relative just not to spoil them.

Next year will be another year for me to plant vegetables. Husband promised to make me vegetable beds so I can do my gardening. Vegetable gardening is relaxing, a good exercise and fun to do.  There is something therapeutic about  growing plants and each gardening season is unique providing an opportunity to start over and try new vegetables or something new.

This time, will take a little time in planting, decide which one to grow and where to plant each vegetables. Tomatoes, okra and eggplants are  surely on my list.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Fruit and Vegetable a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Mother knows best when it comes to kids health. We are very conscious of our families health especially during our pregnancy. As much as possible, fruits and vegetable are included in our daily diet and avoid those fatty and oily foods. Here in the US, fruits and vegetables are available abundantly but too pricey. The only fruit that is always in season and the cheapest is the banana but those produced in the country priced too much compared to the fruits imported from Mexico which is a little bit cheaper.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Brownie Pan Giveaway

Sponsored by:
 Nathan Brown
 an Independent  Director at The Pampered Chef.

 Pampered Chef products, is giving away an awesome non stick coating brownie pan that makes perfect individual brownies, mini pizzas, cornbread and more. This giveaway is short, sweet and so easy to enter! You must be 18 years old and above to enter. Open to U.S. residents only.

Just enter your information below to access the widget. Good Luck!

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Disclosure: Freebies Galore And Giveaways Too! and the wonderful bloggers helping me promote this giveaway are not responsible for prize fulfillment. No Product or Money has exchanged hands for this Giveaway.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sinigang sa Miso

My breakfast this morning is non other than Sinigang sa Miso. I used the Sinigang mix that I bought from one of the store here. I have been using this mix for the second time now. The first time did not look and taste like a sinigang sa miso by following the instructions written on the pack. The soup was fishy and with a pungent taste.

Now that I am craving for another Sinigang sa Miso again, I did it my sinigang way or my mothers style. And the result was satisfying.Sometimes, we really don't need to follow what was written on the ready made ingredients step by step  to get the best result.

Sinigang sa Miso

Ingredients and instruction:

1. Clean and sliced medium size Hamour fish. Sprinkle with salt to taste.
2. Heat 3 tbsp cooking oil.
3. Fry fish just enough to seal the taste or half cook only.
4. Set Aside. 

Prepare the Soup:

1. Saute 3 cloves of garlic minced, 1 small onion and tomato chopped, 3 sliced ginger (I put this to get rid of the fishy taste).
2. Add 2 cups of water. Let boil.
3. Add the sinigang mix. Adjust the amount according to your taste.
4. Add sliced medium size raddish.Cover and let boil for 2 minutes.
5. Add fish. Cover and let boil for another 5 minutes.
6. Add 3 pieces chili pepper/siling pangsigang. Put some salt and pepper to taste.
7. Add mustasa/mustard leaves .
8. Remove from heat.
9. Serve with rice.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Book Rental with a Cause

Going to college is a dream come true for me. Our family is not that well off but my parents work even harder to help us fulfill our dreams. I chose to enroll in a school miles away from our place to taste a little independence and also to get to know myself better. I realized how hard life must be especially when the expected allowance would not arrive on time and I have to take special exams because I failed to pay the tuition fees on schedule. Those times would make me even determined to continue what I started.
A photo of my college days spent mostly in the library reading books that my family cannot afford to buy. I missed those days though, studying and hanging out with friends inside the study room.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Atkins Quick-Start Kit with Three Free Bars

I don't have a sweet tooth and I am not on a diet or planning to go on any diet program. I actually want to add more weight on my body so what I am after is the "how to gain weight" programs. But anyway, here is the free chocolate bar package I got last week. I am not expecting it anymore thinking that it was just one of the spammers who want to get information from someone by filling up the form requiring names, address and telephone numbers. The free chocolate bars turned out to be true and was shipped to my P.O. Box Address free of charge.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Proper Care & Handling of Kitchen Knives

Kitchen cutlery is something you use day in and day out in the preparation and serving of food so it’s important to have the right equipment and treat it with care. You may have plenty of knives but you also really need the proper knife storage and knife sharpening tools to get the most out of your cutlery. Many people simply buy a basic cutlery or knife set and use it until it breaks but that can be dangerous on several levels. It’s often said that a sharp knife is a safe knife so if you don’t sharpen your knives you risk accidents; knives which are not properly cleaned have the potential to harbor germs and breed bacteria.


I accidentally bought Baklava during my husband's eye operation. While he was in the operating room, I decided to stop by the store to get me a brekfast. The grocery store sells pastries and sushi in one area. I grabbed a cup of coffee, sushi and cinnamon roll, pay at the cashier, without looking at the items that I picked up, then head back to the hospitals waiting area for a quick breakfast. I excitedly open the plastic bag but to may dismay, no sushi,and got me a baklava instead, that was very disappointing.

What is Baklava? It doesn't sound familiar to most people but for the food lovers and cook, this sweet is not new anymore. Baklava is a sweet pastry made of layers of phyllo dough, brushed with butter in each layer, filled with chopped nuts and syrup or honey. Because of its sweetness and yumminess ,you can eat only as much in a time.

I never tried making this at home yet, I want to, but I can't find any phyllo dough in the store. Based on the recipe and cooking demonstrations that I have watched many times, this Mediterranean delight is so easy to make. I can't wait to make a homemade Baklava.


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Baked Chicken and Gravy

Baked Chicken
Baked Chicken is a delicious meal that all the family members would love to eat. It is easy to do and budget friendly.