
Monday, July 16, 2012

Book Rental with a Cause

Going to college is a dream come true for me. Our family is not that well off but my parents work even harder to help us fulfill our dreams. I chose to enroll in a school miles away from our place to taste a little independence and also to get to know myself better. I realized how hard life must be especially when the expected allowance would not arrive on time and I have to take special exams because I failed to pay the tuition fees on schedule. Those times would make me even determined to continue what I started.
A photo of my college days spent mostly in the library reading books that my family cannot afford to buy. I missed those days though, studying and hanging out with friends inside the study room.

Another thing that adds burden during my college life is the huge amount of money I spent in buying the books that I need every semester. We do not have any option that time but to buy books to pass our subjects. If only I have learned about Campus Book Rentals early on, maybe I could save a lot and spend most of my allowance eating my favorite food. I remembered the times when I need to sacrifice eating the food that I really wanted just to buy my books. I am just lucky though because I can get to eat a decent meal courtesy of our very generous landlord. I remembered how she loves to cook Filipino dishes and served all of us happily.

Talking about books, what I like most about Campus Book Rental  is their heart to help the less fortunate children. With every each college textbook that was rented out, they donate to the projects of Operation Smile. They do not just change the life of every college student that is renting out their books but also the life of every child that benefit from the project. Children with cleft lip or cleft palate undergo surgery with the help of Operation Smile and Campus Book Rentals.


  1. Rentng books is definitely a lot cheaper plus you don't have to worry what to do with it after the end of the term.

  2. This is such a great cause, Ms. Tess. Can we donate books to Campus Book Rental?

  3. I feel like I was telling my own story with your blogpost. I had similar experience back in college when my parents got into a financial situation where we almost felt like not being able to have both ends meet. Unless you're rich you won't have the same problems anyway. But glad you got over it.

    I really don't think that you have to buy all your textbooks when there are alternative options like rental. Renting is a great way to save on textbooks. You can also resell some of your old textbooks to collect some funds to pay for future textbook needs. - Jules

  4. I can relate to you and I felt like I was in those days again and I am just grateful as well that I was able to make it through and giving it back to them already what they have invested in me. I am very grateful to my parents for what they have done for what I've become right now.

  5. i hear you! you are not alone. i was a service scholar when i was in college, that helped me a lot when it comes to tuition fees. I didn't have to pay anything as long as i maintain my grades. It was tough but i made it and graduated from my course :D my parents are so proud of what i had accomplished and so as I am. I bet you are too. Hardship in life gives us a good lesson in life.

  6. Yes, renting and photocopying would have save you a lot. That's what my sisters did all her college years. And yes, if only you knew.

  7. I totally agree...what a great cause!

  8. i can relate to your story. my father was the only one who supported the entire family, 7 children total and he was a trike driver. back then he worked his ass off just to support me in college, in fairness trike driver lang papa ko but i paid my school tuition for two years in full each sem.

    books is always a huge expense in college, what i did back then was photo copy each certain page that i only need.

    thanks for commenting on my girly bike on

  9. Yes, that's definitely a good idea. Therefore, Here in US, most students can able to rent or even buy used books. I think this way we can help students to save money.

  10. wow that is really a great cause :) books rental should be everywhere, specially on universities where most students thrive on scholarships and being a working student :)

  11. Now adays we need to be practical and doing this kind of stuff really make a difference!

  12. Renting is good if you just love to read from time to time and dont have time to collect

  13. Book rentals will help us saves money :-) This is a great cause too
    :-) How I wish that it is available in all the universities

  14. Oh that is a great cause indeed. I am one of the lucky ones who had a book allowance from my scholarship in college. Not that I really need books because I just took up AB and didn't need a lot, but this one is a great help to a lot of students.

  15. Book centers with books for rent are seldom to be found with the onset of internet.. nothing beat reading from cover to cover in comparison to e-book reading...

  16. Every school should have programs such as this to help those in need. Lalo na those kids with cleft lips kay mostly they are bullied in school because of their condition.

  17. Book rental can really help solve problems about buying books. however, if it's a work-text (workbook and text books), we don't have a choice but to buy a new one.

  18. i also favor renting books rather than buying new one, because they can be expensive but of course, there's a limitation when you rent a book.


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